domingo, 17 de septiembre de 2017


Hello everybody!!

Duirng the next post I am going to show some facts of BSU and how my college looks like.

Boise State University is an american College located in the capital of Idaho, Boise. The foundation of the university was  in 1932, but the school was not public until 1969.  The institutions actual names is from 1974.

Boise State is well known around the States for the colour of the football stadium field. The Albertstones Stadium surface is blue.

Boise State Football is one of the best team in the NCAA1. It is amazing the quantity of people it moves.... Idaho is a really low populate State, around 1.5 million people and Boise is a "tiny" city with a 500.000 people metropolitan area. But, the lack of a professional team concentrate almost every Football fan as a BSU supporter (I do not want to hurt any Vandal fan).

Apart from Football, there are many other sport teams within the university. Basketball, Soccer, Tennis ...  if anyone want to have a look here you have the website: .

But, as I told in my first post I want to speak about XC  and T&F,  and BSU has a great CrossCountry and Track and field team.

I am not going to post all teams stadistic, but if someone is interested in T&F stadistic:

This year they have been choosen as the 13th best team in the NCAA

There is one of the reosons that I want to enter in the team. I want to train with those people and improve with them. In addition to the amazing team level the BSU facilities are UAUU! Incredibles.

They have a beatifull outdoor track:  But, it is not the unique competition facility they have. There is an indoor track too. It is 25 mins from Boise, and they train there in the cold Idaho winters.

Additionaly, they also have an amazing geography to work out. Boise is in the midlle of nowhere, but it is kind of flat and alongside the Boise River, which pass over the downtown of Boise, a few meters from the campus, there is a greenbelt. It has more than 30 km from the central point to both sides. It is a really beautifull pathway to run. Moreover, Behind the city center,and a 2km from the River, there is a place called foothills. There are many different ways to choose... It is amazing the beauty of the nature and .... I will try to record an create a little video and show it during the next post.

I forget totally to introduce my schools, but let´s do it another day.

P.D: En un universo infinito, muchas cosas escapan a la razón humana. Y aparte del infinito que es la naturaleza?

lunes, 4 de septiembre de 2017


Nahiko aspalditik neukan Blog bat irekitzeko gogoa. Hala ere, ez naiz inoiz ausartu gogoeta hori erabat gauzatzen. Idaztea ez da inoiz izan nire trebetasunetako bat....   Nire idazkeraren inguruko kezkaz gain, ez nekien zertaz jolastu ireki berri dudan bloggean. Bi arrazoi hauek zirela eta, gaur, 2017ko Irailaren 4a arte itxaron dut nire abentura honi hasiera emateko.

Nire tartetxo honi hasiera emateko nire bloggaren inguruko goitik-berak azalduko ditut.  Denetik hitz egitea espero dut. Batez ere, nire USAn izaten ari naizen abenturari buruz arituko naiz. Betiere, ez atletismoa, ezta Historiari buruzko gaiez ahaztu gabe. 

Horrela, Blog honi hasiera emateko nire burua aurkeztuko dut.

Era sinple batean esanda 22 urte dituen Debarra nauzue. Iñaki Sagarna deitzen naiz eta orain arte Historiako ikaslea izan nahiz EHUko Gasteizko fakultatean. Aurreko kurtso akademikoan 2016/17an graduatu nintzen, eta orain Boise State Universityn Historiako Master bat egiten nago. Masterrak ziurrenik 2 urteko luzeera izango duelarik. Historiako abentura honez gain, paraleloan Gasteizen EHU-ko Hezkuntza eta kirolaren fakultatean "IVEF" bezala ezagutzen den gradua hasi naiz. 

Nire ibilbide akademikoaz nahiko hitz eginda, jolas dezagun nire gustuez.  Alde batetik ikasten dudan historia eta bestetik hain gustuko dudan kirola: Atletismoa. Horregatik, nire bizi gorabeherez gain, ziurrenik, bi gai hauek izango dira toki honetako gai nagusiak. 

Horrela, nahiko hitz eginda, astero gutxienez behin zerbait publikatzea gustatuko litzaidake. Ea lortzen dudan Blog honekin aurrera jarraitzea eta norbaiten arreta bereganatzea. Zuen guztion hartuemanak oso gustora erantzuteko irrikitan,

Agur bero bat,

P.D: Ahaztu gabe ea kapaza nahizen bai Euskera, Gaztelera zein Ingelesa erabiltzeko!! Eta urte honen buruan argi ibili Frantzesezko postekin ere!